Children's voices
What I want to change about the internet
13-14 year olds, Yorkshire
I will make [sure] they are not mean by doing something before and if they be mean you can ban them
Tiktok showed post more stuff that you like instead of posting random videos
Snapchat can be bad so I could tell them to ban people who cyber bully
TikTok = too many people hating on people
It would be better if people couldn’t just message you
Tiktok to help people instead of showing stuff you don’t like and help people for what they want
Tiktok – for it to stop making likes to important
One bad thing is that you will end up going on it every day [and] you won’t go out. You would stay at home
It would be better for my privacy if on instagram random people coun’t message me
I hope they ban most people that hate on others
One bad thing is that there can be bad stuff on it which can be disturbing for other people
twitter can get toxic very easily with [doxing] issues etc.
my one wish is for tiktok to not be as mean or to make people feel a safer way
it would be better for my privacy if data is encded in a hard to understand format. so if a system got hacked the data is hard to read
instagram to be safer [because] random people can text you
ban toxic people. Don’t let people bully others and make sure [it is] stopped
discord group chats could have a higher limit than 10 so more people could talk but not an entire server
make the app more safe and ban people [hating] people to stop bullying
it’d be better for my privacy is apps don’t use or keep number/personal information
One hting is they need to make it easier to find your friends online
I wish they would blocks out certain words so it won’t upset people
to instantly delete something bad on comments to make it better
Lots of people have different [opinions] on twitter
snapchat – their filters can be controversial e.g. they change features to make you “more attractive”
it will be for my privacy if people can’t text you on instagram if you don’t allow them to.
bad Tiktok – random / gets boring
Thinking of the apps you use, what’s good and bad for wellbeing?
11-12 year olds, Yorkshire
you can make online friends and they could be pretending ot be somebody else
i think tiktok is bad because you can see that something that can make you feel bad or insecure
tiktok youtube and instagram can be a bad thing
tiktok because you spend more time than you think
roblox is good to play with friends
Google is good because you can get [knowledge][
tiktok can be bad because you can get things you don’t like pop up
People say bad things and [that’s] bad for [mental] health
sometimes people comment on your vids / pics which makes people insecure
the phone app where you can phone people because phone somebody if your in trouble [you are in trouble]
[you are] doing anything as a group or plan stuff
tiktok isn’t that good because anyone can add or see your account unless it’s on private
What I want to change about the internet
12-13 year olds, Essex
tiktok – take down [homophobic] racist [comments]
having an app that you can be safe and not be judged, possibly having more guidelines to not get rude messages
fornite – you can talk to more people if you want to add them
tiktok – topics and the ability to view/ NOT view certain topics, creators have to post videos under a certain topic
social media in general. Don’t judge people because of race / sexuality / faith / gender. Stop hate comments and stop discrimination
no random pictures or videos (inappropriate)
Better moderation
apps need better moderation by humans or higher programming
better control of clear violations [terms and conditions more]
Moderation should be enhanced
to not get dodgy messages by random people
more clear rules and regulations
Thinking of the apps you use, what’s good or bad for development, and what features should be included (or not included) in design?
13-14 year olds, Essex
Good for Development
music tiles – music game, help hand [coordination]
geography quiz help to study about the earth
whatsapp – texting friends
seneca – school
Piano tiles – my childhood
– music
– relax
Phone Dial
– calls friends
– text
– game chat
bbc iplayer
-have always played it
– drawing app
Show my homework
– hw
– timetable
– learn [language]
– entertainment
– Learning piano
pen up
– my phone has a pen and [it is] an app where you can colour paint
it helps me learn new music instruments and progress well step by step. I currently do it for electric guitar and its really helpful
– playing games and having fun. only play for fun and not that much
Bad for development
-money addictive gaming
– Streamers spend thousands
– selfies
– texting
– lie / no evidence
– entertainment
– endless scroll
– addictive
‘Please write to the boss of one of the apps you use and tell them the changes you’d like’